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Dr Peter Bleackley’s Portfolio

About Me

I’m Dr Peter Bleackley. For most of the 21st Century, I’ve been working in research and development, mostly as a data scientist. For the past few years I was a contractor, working through my company Playful Technology Limited (a name meant to convey the values of curiosity, discovery and innovation), but I’m now moving on from this and looking for fresh opportunities. More details of my career can be found in my Curriculum Vitae.

Key Algorithms

Between November 2023 and July 2024, I wrote a regular series of articles under the title Key Algorithms. These cover the things I believe every data scientist should know. I have brought them over from my old company website and republished them here. They were originally published as a blog, but I have rearranged them thematically.

Case Studies

To illustrate the work I did as a contractor in more detail, I have included a small selection of case studies from some of my clients.

Data Science Notebooks

My Data Science Notebooks are some personal projects that I have undertaken on Kaggle, and give visible examples of my approach to data science problems


QARAC is an open-source project to develop NLP models that are trained with concepts of logical consistency, to make their results more factually reliable.


How Many Components an idea for how to chose the best number of components to use in Principal Component Analysis.


I live in Horsham with my wife, two university-age children (when they’re here) and our cat. I create Constructed Languages as a hobby - see my Conlang Portfolio. I’m a well known member of the conlanging community, and have been elected to the board of directors of the Language Creation Society.

I am also a contributing editor at Speculative Grammarian, the foremost scholarly journal in the neglected field of Satirical Linguistics.